Latest news
Displaying 181 - 185 of 193 items
Sand carting continues to address erosion
Immediate works to address erosion at West Beach are continuing with urgent sand carting underway from this week.
Protecting South Australia’s marine environments
With the warm summer months now upon us, the fishing and crabbing season is in full swing across the state.
Four new sculptures for Granite Island trail
Four new artworks have been added to Sculpture Encounters – Granite Island, a 2.4km cliff-top sculpture trail featuring the works of local, national and international artists.
Litter survey underway on Gulf St Vincent’s beaches
A scientist and a team of local volunteers are conducting a series of marine debris (litter) surveys to gather valuable information about the different types of litter that end up on our beaches.
Adelaide beaches get ‘seal’ of approval
Beach-goers have a good chance of spotting fur seals when visiting Adelaide’s beaches this summer.