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West Beach dune restoration project

A project to stabilise and restore dunes at West Beach and improve biodiversity along the coastline.

The West Beach dune restoration project aims to assist with the stabilisation and restoration of dunes from north of the Adelaide Sailing Club to south of the Torrens outlet. The project will improve biodiversity along this part of the coastline.

A stabilisation and revegetation management plan for the project has been developed to guide restoration activities over the coming years.

The department is working in collaboration with City of Charles Sturt, Green Adelaide, West Beach Parks, Birdlife Australia and the community.

West Beach dune restoration project

What is being done to stabilise and revegetate the dunes?

Dune stabilisation and restoration is an important part of sand management.

Interim priority works commenced at West Beach in early 2022 at two locations:

  • The dunes on Seaview Road north of the West Beach Surf Life Saving Club
  • The West Beach Parks dunes situated adjacent to the BIG4 holiday park.

These priority works aimed to prevent loose sand mobilising during strong winds onto nearby facilities, roadways and houses whilst longer term planning was underway.

West Beach dune restoration project

West Beach Seaview Road dunes

Stage 1: A lower dune and swale has been created in front of the main dune to interrupt wind flow and slow the winds that hit the main foredune. This dune will take the brunt of storm waves, protecting the main dune from repeated wave action. This dune will be eroded periodically by storm activity and during the winter months will be monitored and replenished as required.

West Beach dune restoration project

Stage 2: A surface treatment jute mesh has been placed on the bare sand which will assist in immediate stabilisation of mobile sands and also support the spread of Spinifex sp on the dune crest.

West Beach dune restoration project

Stage 3: Coastal native grasses were planted to further stabilise the area.

The first phase of revegetation (native vegetation planting) works started in winter 2022 so the rains give the plants the best opportunity to survive.

Longer term management of the West Beach dunes including further stabilisation and restoration will be undertaken.

We appreciate the community’s patience while these important works to restore West Beach are delivered.

West Beach dune building trial project

A small trial dune building / stabilisation project is underway at West Beach. Beach wrack has been moved by truck from the Adelaide Sailing Club to the existing seaward facing dune slopes between Rockingham and Cavendish Street. The wrack will be spread across the toe of these dunes.

It is anticipated that the beach wrack will help capture wind-blown sands and begin the process of building an incipient sand dune in this location.

The proposed benefits of depositing beach wrack and building an incipient dune include the following :

  1. Help to protect the existing foredune from any future weather events.
  2. Help to start building these dunes to align with the new replenished Rockingham dunes just south of the proposed site.
  3. Help to protect and enhance revegetation planned over the coming seasons.
  4. Help to prevent people climbing on the current slopes.
  5. Help to build further dune buffer for ongoing protection of infrastructure along this area.

Some sand will be mixed with the beach wrack initially to help hold it in place in the coming windy spring/summer months.

The trial project was a recommendation from the West Beach Dune Stabilisation Management Plan developed earlier this year and DEW will be monitoring the effects over time.

We appreciate the community's patience while these important works to restore West Beach are delivered.

West Beach Parks dunes (BIG4 Holiday Park)

Located at the end of Hamra Avenue, West Beach is the West Beach Parks dunes. The area immediately opposite the Hamra Avenue car park has become degraded over time and a blowout (a depression formed by wind erosion) had formed. During strong winds loose sand is channeled through a wind tunnel from the seaward facing dunes onto nearby facilities situated at the rear of these dunes.

Stage 1: Drift net fencing was installed on the seaward side of the blowout to reduce wind-blown sands onto adjacent facilities. Additional fencing was also installed to guide foot traffic and encourage the use of beach access paths along this stretch of dunes.

West Beach dune restoration project
Drift net fencing to reduce wind-blown sands
West Beach dune restoration project
Fencing to guide foot traffic
West Beach dune restoration project

The first phase of revegetation (native vegetation planting) works started in winter 2022 so the winter rains give the plants the best opportunity to survive.

Longer term management of the West Beach dune including further dune stabilisation and restoration will be undertaken.

We appreciate the community’s patience while these important works to restore West Beach are delivered.

Between July and August 2022 more than 17,000 native coastal plants were planted across West Beach dunes. This work will help to stabilise replenished dunes and improve the biodiversity of the area.

A stabilisation and revegetation management plan for the project has been developed to guide restoration activities over the coming years.

West Beach dune restoration project

How to get involved

Join the community nursery

The Valerie Wales community nursery at Henley Beach, established by Green Adelaide and City of Charles Sturt is a place for like-minded people to come together, share knowledge, learn new skills and grow plants for coastal projects.

Coastal community group members and local residents have been growing plants for a range of community coastal projects including the West Beach dune restoration project. Propagation workshops have been popular and ongoing workshops will be offered throughout the year.

If you are part of a coastal community group or are interested in volunteering at the community nursery please email us:

West Beach dune restoration project

DEW is working closely with Green Adelaide and City of Charles Sturt to upgrade and expand the community nursery facilities. This includes a new hot and shade house and new plant storage tables.

A new irrigation and watering system has also been installed allowing plants to stay well-watered over the drier months. These upgrades and more have enabled more volunteers to be involved in coastal projects and connect with others.

West Beach dune restoration project
New hot houses have been installed at the community nursery

West Beach community planting day

A community planting day was held on 7 July 2022 as part of the project. Coastal plants grown by community groups and local residents at the Valarie Wales coastal community nursery were planted on the day.

This was a great opportunity for participants to connect with other coastal volunteers and learn more about coastal plants.

West Beach dune restoration project

How will the restoration project help Hooded Plovers?

The project will focus restoration efforts in the dunes south of the Torrens Outlet, and will include measures to control sea wheat grass and replace with Spinifex sp - a local native coastal grass. This will help to improve the Hooded Plover (“the Hoodies”) nesting area into the future. In more recent years this area has become an important site during their breeding season, which occurs annually between August to March.

Visit Green Adelaide’s website to discover more about the Hooded Plovers and how to become a volunteer.

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