Science Publications

State of the Coorong discussion paper

The discussion paper seeks to build a shared high-level understanding of the existing and emerging knowledge of the Coorong to guide current and future restoration and adaptive management, with a focus on the southern Coorong.

It draws on the results of detailed investigations, including hydrodynamic modelling, nutrient cycling, aquatic plants, macroinvertebrates, fish, waterbirds, climate change and First Nations research.

State of the Coorong discussion paper - Healthy Coorong, Healthy Basin Sep 2024

2022-23 River Murray flood - Monitoring ecological responses in the Coorong

Technical reports

  • South Australian Murray-Darling Basin 2022-2023 Flood Environmental Response in the Coorong - Final Report (new)
  • Coorong Water Quality Responses to the 2022-23 River Murray flood - Final Report (new)

Monitoring environmental response in the Coorong - fact sheets

Environmental responses to a significant River Murray flood - Storymap (Goyder Institute for Water Research)

Scientific Trials and Investigations (2019 - 2022)

Southern Coorong Factsheets

Understanding Coorong nutrient dynamics

Investigating the drivers and control of filamentous algae and restoration of aquatic plants in the Coorong

Restoring a functioning Coorong food web

Maintaining viable waterbird populations

Science integration

Climate adaptation


A series of short videos have been produced highlighting the high quality, independent research undertaken by HCHB’s research delivery partner, the Goyder Institute for Water Research.

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Murray darling basin
Basin Plan
Water security
River murray irrigators
Water allocation