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Prescribed burn media notifications
Displaying 341 - 360 of 409 items
Prescribed burn in Lincoln Basin on Eyre Peninsula
19 October 2020
A prescribed burn is planned west of Tulka, in the Lincoln Basin on Eyre Peninsula, on Wednesday 21 October 2020, weather conditions permitting.
Prescribed burn at Dudley Conservation Park
16 October 2020
A prescribed burn is planned in Dudley Conservation Park, on Friday 16 October 2020, weather conditions permitting.
Prescribed burn at Black Hill Conservation Park
14 October 2020
A prescribed burn is planned in Black Hill Conservation Park, on Thursday 15 October 2020, weather conditions permitting.
Prescribed burn at Spring Mount Conservation Park
13 October 2020
A prescribed burn is planned at Spring Mount Conservation Park on Wednesday 14 October 2020, weather conditions permitting.
Prescribed burn at Cherry Gardens
12 October 2020
A prescribed burn is planned on private land near the Cherry Gardens electricity substation on Tuesday 13 October 2020, weather conditions permitting.
Prescribed burns at Lashmar Conservation Park
12 October 2020
Two prescribed burns are planned near Cape Willoughby Road at Lashmar Conservation Park on Kangaroo Island, on Tuesday 13 October 2020, weather conditions permitting.
Prescribed burn at Spring Mount Conservation Park
09 October 2020
A prescribed burn is planned at Spring Mount Conservation Park on Monday 12 October 2020, weather conditions permitting.
Prescribed burn at Upper Sturt
09 October 2020
A prescribed burn is planned at Upper Sturt, on private land at Hilltop Drive, on Monday 12 October 2020, weather conditions permitting.
Prescribed burn in Kyeema Conservation Park
16 September 2020
A prescribed burn is planned in Kyeema Conservation Park on Wednesday 16 September 2020, weather conditions permitting.
Prescribed burn near Adelaide Hills Council Depot
16 September 2020
A prescribed burn is planned near the Adelaide Hills Council Depot site in Heathfield, on Wednesday 16 September 2020, weather conditions permitting.
Prescribed burn in Ngarkat Conservation Park
05 August 2020
A prescribed burn is planned in Ngarkat Conservation Park today, Wednesday 5 August, weather conditions permitting.
Prescribed burn in Lake Frome Conservation Park
10 June 2020
A prescribed burn is planned in over the next three days (Wednesday 10 to Friday 12 June) in Lake Frome Conservation Park, weather conditions permitting.
Prescribed burn in Lake Frome Conservation Park
03 June 2020
A prescribed burn is planned in Lake Frome Conservation Park on Wednesday 3 June, weather conditions permitting.
Prescribed burn in Big Heath Conservation Park
29 May 2020
A prescribed burn is planned over two days in Big Heath Conservation Park commencing on Friday 29 May and being completed on Saturday 30 May, weather conditions permitting.
Prescribed burn in Cleland Conservation Park
22 April 2020
A prescribed burn is planned at the Cleland Conservation Park on Wednesday 22 April weather conditions permitting.
Prescribed burn in Coffin Bay National Park
22 April 2020
A prescribed burn is planned in Coffin Bay National Park on Wednesday 22 April weather conditions permitting.
Prescribed burn at Morialta Vineyard
21 April 2020
A prescribed burn is planned at the Morialta Vineyard on Tuesday 21 April weather conditions permitting.
Prescribed burn in Ngarkat Conservation Park
21 April 2020
A prescribed burn is planned in Ngarkat Conservation Park on Tuesday 21 April weather conditions permitting.
Prescribed burn at Carey Gully
17 April 2020
A prescribed burn is planned on private properties at Carey Gully on Friday 17 April weather conditions permitting.
Prescribed burn in Ngarkat Conservation Park
17 April 2020
A prescribed burn is planned in Ngarkat Conservation Park on Friday 17 April weather conditions permitting.