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Private dam safety and maintenance

If you have a dam on your property, when was the last time you checked it was safe?

Dams can pose a safety threat to communities lower in the catchment if they fail and large volumes of water are released.

To help ensure this doesn’t happen, you should regularly inspect your dam and take action if you find there may be a problem. It can be helpful to do this in summer when water levels are low as it is easy to have access and you can better see the dam wall. It is also advisable to check after big rain events, if it is safe to do so.

Remember – if your dam fails you are accountable for any damage caused.

Register to attend an upcoming dam safety and maintenance workshop.

Here are some useful guides for preventing dam failures:

Making changes to your dam

If you need to repair or change your dam, make sure you get the right approvals:

Private dam safety and maintenance

Private dam safety