Get involved
If you are interested in heritage in South Australia, you can get involved in a number of ways.
Engage with us on social media
Like or join us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
Join our Register of Heritage Trades and Consultants
The Heritage Trades and Consultants Register is a list of businesses with heritage experience. The Register is designed to help heritage owners to find appropriate conservation and heritage specialists, however, use of other trades and consultants not included on this list may also be appropriate. The use of the pre-approved consultants on this Register will help to streamline the grant and development application processes. The Register will also promote tradespeople and consultants who support specialised training via apprenticeships. Apply here.
Learn heritage trades
Traditional trades training is on the increase in South Australia.
The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) in conjunction with Heritage Stone Restorations have been providing specialised training to tradespeople and professionals for many years. The department has been an active part of CITB courses in Inneston and Bimbowrie where vital conservation work was undertaken on heritage accommodation.
The new Australian Artisan Trades Academy is a unique collaboration between Applied Building Conservation Training and the National Trust of South Australia providing the first heritage skills training academy in Australia.
Study history, heritage architecture or archaeology
There are a number of tertiary courses in Australia related to heritage, including anthropology, archaeology, heritage architecture and history. Search for courses here.
Volunteer and Intern activities
DEW runs a number of volunteer and student internship opportunities for heritage assessment activities and on specific projects. Recent volunteer and student internship projects include:
- ‘SA’s oldest buildings project’. This was a project to engage the community to find previously unlisted sites that were built between 1836 and 1855, dating back to South Australia’s earliest colonial days.
- ‘Adaptive reuse of heritage places on Leigh Street and Peel Street’. This project focused on case studies showcasing successfully adapted heritage places through adaptation and reuse.
- ‘Heritage near me’ app. The Information Technology Project is the capstone topic for IT and Computer Science students at Flinders University. The students created a demo App to show heritage places on an interactive map.
- 'Sunken aircraft identification project'. This was an underwater cultural heritage project that involved study and research into aircraft (both civil and military) lost in South Australian waters.
To find out what current volunteer or intern opportunities are available, call Heritage South Australia on 08 8372 7521 and press option 7 for Heritage SA General Enquiries or email