Government Owned Heritage Fund
2025/26 Government Owned Heritage Fund (GOH Fund) Grant Program is now OPEN to Apply.
The program is now open to receive applications and will close 2:00pm Thursday 10 April 2025. All applications must be submitted through our DEW Smarty Grant System. Further details about the program and a link to the application form is here.
Or can be found at https://environmentsa.smartygr...
Prior to applying please:
- refer to the GOH Fund Guidelines for Applicants
- consult with a heritage professional
- have up-to-date quotes ready to submit
Announcement of successful applications is expected August 2025.
About the fund
The South Australian government acknowledges the important economic and community contribution made by heritage places and the need for their conservation.
The Government Owned Heritage Fund (GOH Fund = former Historic Buildings Conservation Program) supports the conservation of government-owned State Heritage-listed Places, through the provision of professional and financial assistance.
Protected by the Heritage Places Act 1993, these places are some of the most significant in South Australia and play an important role for the South Australian economy and within communities and cultural landscapes.
Grant funding can be applied for conservation work or documentation, with the objectives being to:
- Provide financial incentive to conserve and manage State Heritage Places.
- Provide heritage advice to assist Agencies to deliver projects to a high standard.
- Support Agencies to develop conservation documentation and asset surveys for all State Heritage Places.
- Maximise conservation works that enhance the public realm to benefit the wider community.
Finding new compatible uses for disused and underused GOH is encouraged as a good way to safeguard the cultural significance of Heritage places and their fabric.
Consistent with current SA government priorities, it is highly desirable to consider supporting the development of South Australian skills and training programs when completing funding applications. Such as skills development programs like, the Heritage Apprenticeship Opportunity, coordinated and supported by HSR Aust Group, ABC Training and Renewal SA (See the Heritage Apprenticeship Opportunity flyer).
In most cases matched funding is a requirement for funding applications. The agency applying is to provide an equal or greater financial contribution for essential conservation works. If an application is successful funding can be used to cover approved project specific costs reasonably associated with the project.
Conservation documentation may be eligible for full funding. When completing the application form, request a waiver and provide reasons for the request.
TEMPLATE CMP Fee Offer or Cost Estimate Brief v1 has been provided (Click the link), and further advice can be sought from Heritage SA.A First DRAFT and Final DRAFT of the CMP being funded must be provided for Heritage SA staff to review and provide input at ‘statement of significance’ and ‘conservation policy’ stages.
Criteria for funding can be found in the GOH Fund Guideline for Applicants. To check for eligibility please refer to the South Australian Heritage Register, or contact Heritage South Australia on (08) 8124 4960 or email
Work is expected to be carried out to appropriate standards conforming to the Burra Charter and in accordance with the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 and the South Australian Government Procurement Framework. Please note it is a requirement that all projects are led by a project manager and a recognised heritage professional. Where a recognised heritage professional is not included in the recipient project team it is a requirement that agency project managers maintain regular contact with Heritage SA throughout works.
For general enquiries relating to the Government Owned Heritage Fund please contact Alison Othen on (08) 8207 7753 or email
Some of the projects supported by the GOH Fund are below:
State Heritage Place 10844, Queens Theatre - Façade and Stabilisation – Photograph courtesy of Department for Environment and Water
State Heritage Place 10196 - Quorn Railway Station - Replacement of Roof Sheeting. Photograph courtesy of Pichi Richi Railway Preservation Society Inc