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Heritage Grants

The 2025-26 Heritage Conservation Grants Program is now CLOSED
(Closed at 2.00pm Monday 31st March 2025 - Adelaide Time)

No late applications will be considered.

Applications are currently being assessed. Announcement of successful applications will take place July 2025.

2026-27 Heritage Conservation Grants will open to receive applications early in 2026. Grants are available to owners of State heritage listed places.

  • Grants provide up to $20,000 for conservation work or documentation.
  • In most cases, grants will be provided on a dollar-for-dollar basis.

The grants program is competitive, so if you intend to apply please remember to refer to the Heritage Conservation Grants Guidelines for Applicants and focus your application on the relevant criteria.

Grant Categories

The minimum grant for any project is $1,000. There are three categories of funding.

  1. Simple- up to $5,000 (GST exclusive) – Projects may include - Documentation, e.g. Architect fees, conservation management plans, dilapidation reports, development application drawings/schedules. Simple projects with only one component, e.g. Salt damp treatment or re-roofing.
  2. Complex up to $10,000 (GST exclusive) – THIS IS THE MAXIMUM AVAILABLE TO RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. Projects for residential properties with multiple components such as reinstatement of lost significant fabric or larger, more complex repairs e.g. façade conservation including timber repair and salt damp treatment; roof and gutter replacement including new roof framing and fascias.
  3. Majorup to $20,000 (GST exclusive) - ONLY AVAILABLE FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. Projects for non-residential properties with multiple components addressing at least two of the Assessment Criteria, e.g. (1) Places at risk; (2) Adaptive re-use.

What you will need to apply

Prior to lodging a grant application:

1. Professional heritage advice must be sought (either via Heritage SA, local councils, or privately). PLEASE ATTACH THIS ADVICE TO YOUR APPLICATION. This can be as simple as the email advice received from a heritage professional, recognised heritage contractor, conservator or Heritage Officer, Heritage SA. Heritage SA will not be responsible for administering contracts or managing contractors.

The minimum level of information provided in the application should include answers to the following:

  • Is the project the highest priority work for the site at this time?
  • Are the materials and methods appropriate for proposed project?
  • Is Development Approval likely to be given for the proposed work?
  • Does this project support the continued use or a new and appropriate use of this site?

2. Prepared scoping documents and specifications for proposed work, including up to date quotes/cost estimates. To help you find the right person to undertake your heritage conservation project, visit the Heritage SA - Register of Heritage Trades and Consultants. Applicants are free to use other tradespeople and consultants not included on this list. NB: Advice from Heritage South Australian is available at no cost.

3. Have letters from property owners or sponsors (if required) ready to attach.

4. Have supporting documentation, images of the State Heritage Place and the work required ready for upload.

Example of an application and basic quote/estimate can be found at the links below:

  1. Example Application
  2. Example Quote/Estimate

About the Program

If you own a State Heritage Place or a place within a State Heritage Area and are planning a conservation project that will help to conserve or protect significant fabric or heritage values, you may be eligible to receive a Heritage Conservation Grant. To find out more about Heritage Conservation Grant eligibility and criteria, please read the Heritage Conservation Grants Guidelines for Applicants.

In most cases, funding is provided on a dollar-for-dollar basis to successful applicants including private owners, companies, local councils & community groups who are owners of State Heritage Places, and owners or businesses situated within a State Heritage Area. State Heritage Places owned by the State Government are not eligible.

Heritage Conservation Grants are aimed at helping rejuvenate the state’s built heritage, ensuring it is protected and preserved for future generations. Since 2019, $1,531,600 of grant funding has stimulated a total direct investment of over $9.1 million into heritage conservation works in South Australia.

Find out more about past successful applicants here.

For more information about Heritage Conservation Grants please contact Heritage South Australia on 8207 7753 or email DEW.HeritageGrants@sa.gov.au

Notification of Decisions

Assessment of all applications will occur May 2025 with applicants notified of the outcome by July 2025.

18 Projects Received Funding in 2024-25




Renmark Hotel

Soffit Repair


Pilgrim Uniting Church

Repair and restoration of lath and plaster ceiling


Coward Springs Railway Site

Rainwater tank and railway inspection pit restoration


Gawler Church Hill State Heritage Area

Anglican Church of St George survey works


St David’s Anglican Church Complex - Burnside

Restoration of the exterior northern wall of the old church hall


Gawler Church Hill State Heritage Area

1A Moore St Gawler SHA - Wall restoration


Manoora Institute

North wall restoration works


Durdin's Brickyard

Charlton's Kiln - Restoration works


Former Robe Courthouse and Police Complex

Robe Police Stables - Conservation Phase II


Capri Theatre

Repair plumbing in bathrooms off main foyer


Bungaree Homestead Complex

Chaff room and stable yard restoration works


Pastor Rechner's Cottage

Walls, pugging and door conservation work


Former Bon Accord Mine Building, Burra

Retaining wall


Old Woodhouse Manor

Stormwater management works


Wheal Watkins Mine Historic Site

Conservation and stabilisation works


Mindacowie Guest House

Chimney restoration works


Clayton Wesley Uniting Church

Window Restoration


St Peter's Cathedral

'Last Judgement' Window




Building Upgrade Finance

Building Upgrade Finance may be available to supplement grant funding for non-residential heritage building upgrade works where the grant funding provides only a proportion of the total cost. Building Upgrade Finance is secured against the land, via a local council charge, with repayments made through the local council rates billing process and then transferred to the financier by the local council.

To find out more about Building Upgrade Finance, including where it is currently available visit www.buildingupgradefinance.net.au.

Other grants

Activating Heritage Tourism Program

Tourism Industry Council SA, in partnership with the Department for Environment and Water (DEW) is delivering the Activating Heritage Tourism Program to support the activation and enhancement of our state’s heritage tourism offerings.

Please go to the Activating Heritage Tourism Program - Tourism Industry Council SA (ticsa.com.au) website to learn more about this program or click on the guidelines for more information.

Activating Heritage Tourism Grants 2023 24 Guidelines

Applications for this program are open until Friday 19th April 2024.


Funding for heritage places may also be available from the following sources: