
River Murray flows

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Flow outlook - 11 October 2024

The flow at the South Australian border is approximately 10 GL/day and is expected to increase to approximately 14 GL/day by next Friday, depending on river operations.

The current flow at the border comprises the full October Entitlement Flow (5.5 GL/day) plus water for the environment, interstate trade adjustments and adjustment for deferred entitlement flows, which are stored and accumulated for critical human water needs during dry periods.

The flow over Lock 1 is approximately 8 GL/day and is expected to increase to around 11 GL/day over the coming week.

It is important to note that flow forecasts in this advice are based on the information available at the time of preparation. Advice may change as new gauging information becomes available or due to rainfall events or changed operations upstream.

Water levels

Current water levels are updated daily and can be found at the following link:

Upstream flows

Water releases downstream of the Yarrawonga Weir and from Lake Eildon on the Goulburn River have commenced and are resulting in increased flows at the South Australian border. Forecast flows are anticipated to increase from early October and are expected to reach approximately 12-14 GL/day in mid-October, noting that flow forecasts may be subject to change dependent on river operations and catchment rainfall.

More information on upstream conditions and forecasts can be found in the Murray-Darling Basin Authority’s Weekly Flow Report here:

Water for the Environment Delivery

A low-level operation of the environmental regulator is underway at the Pike Floodplain. The target height of 15.1 m AHD (55 cm above the normal level at the Pike regulator) has now been reached. Raising of Lock 5 is not required to undertake this operation but may be considered if greater water exchange on the floodplain is required. Planning is underway to pump water to 2 sites at Pike to water regenerating lignum and black box.

At Katarapko floodplain, a low-level operation is underway and water levels have now been raised behind The Splash regulator to the target of 2.0 metres (to 12.0 m AHD). Similar to Pike, raising of Lock 4 is not required to undertake this operation but may be considered if greater water exchange on the floodplain is required.

Water for the environment is currently being delivered via pumping to 4 sites on the Chowilla Floodplain.

The floodplain environmental watering actions are aimed at supporting the significant improvements in condition and regeneration of trees, lignum and understorey vegetation and providing important habitat for frogs, waterbirds and other fauna. The management of these operations may be adapted depending on River Murray flows, conditions in the River and on the floodplain, and will be informed by the outcomes of environmental monitoring.

Water for the environment continues to be delivered as part of SA’s entitlement flow. In addition, water for the environment is now arriving at the border from releases in the Murray and Goulburn rivers as part of the spring pulse. Although the spring pulse will remain in channel, it is expected to support fish breeding, increased river productivity and benefits to the Lower Lakes and Coorong. Flows at the SA border are expected to increase up to 14 GL/day due to the arrival of water for the environment.

Potential weir pool lowering

Weir pool lowering within the normal operating range at Locks 1 and 2 (up to 10 cm below normal pool level) is currently being considered for weirs 1 and 2. A minor lowering would aim to achieve a range of benefits for floodplain and wetland vegetation and wildlife, and support Murray Cod and callop breeding. Any lowering would be planned to coincide with increasing flow conditions associated with the arrival of the spring pulse to minimise impact to extractors and navigation while optimising outcomes for fish. All weir pool level manipulation is subject to the availability of water for the environment and necessary approvals.

In stream salinity will be closely monitored ahead of, during and after any lowering event.

As planning progresses, further details on these operations will be provided in future Flow Reports.

Murray Mouth

Dredging operations at the Murray Mouth continue. Dredging is undertaken to maintain connectivity (exchange of water) between the Coorong and the Southern Ocean. Dredging is currently being undertaken on the Young Husband Peninsula and in the Tauwitchere channel. Dredging operations may be impacted by dredge maintenance activities, high tides and swells associated with the winter months.

Barrage releases, combined with dredging, help to maintain flow connectivity of the River Murray Channel to the Murray Mouth and assists in exporting salt from the river system.

Exclusion Zones established around the dredging operations are in place to ensure public safety. Refer to Notice to Mariners No 61 of 2023.

Barrage Operations and Water Levels in the Lower Lakes

The water level in Lake Alexandrina is approximately 0.71 m AHD and Lake Albert is approximately 0.72 m AHD.

The Lower Lakes are being managed to target a daily average lake level between 0.75 m AHD and 0.85 in October.

During adverse weather conditions and high tides, SA Water will operate the barrages to minimise the risk of seawater entering Lake Alexandrina, therefore minimising any negative salinity impacts from reverse flow events. Barrage operations will continue to be undertaken dependent on upstream flows, lake levels and variable weather conditions.

Gate openings at the barrages can now be viewed on Water Data SA - Barrage dashboard.

Total daily flow releases from the barrages can also be found on Water Data SA - Flows dashboard.

Water Quality

Algal blooms upstream of SA

Numerous amber alerts for Blue Green Algae remain upstream of the Border. An amber alert indicates that the water should be considered unsuitable for potable use and that the water may be unsuitable for stock watering. Water users should use caution and avoid water where signs of Blue Green Algae are present.

Details of the current alert locations can be found on the WaterNSW website - Algae Alerts page.

River Murray River Vessel Waste Disposal Stations

The Lock 3 River Vessel Waste Disposal Station has been out of commission since January 2020 due to a significant infrastructure failure. The nearest alternative waste facility is located at Waikerie. Normal boat hard waste (domestic or galley waste) can still be deposited at the Lock 3 facility at the present time.

You can report any River Vessel Waste Disposal Station issues on 1800 799 065.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact the DEW Engagement Team on

SA River Murray flow information

You can keep up to date on SA River Murray flow rates, water levels, barrage operations, navigation issues and construction activities by accessing current and previous issues of the SA River Murray Flow Report. You can also subscribe to receive the Flow Report by email.

The public are encouraged to regularly check the SA Government Recovery websiteand the South Australian State Emergency Service (SES) website, which includes information on current warnings, with near real-time information. The Bureau of Meteorology is responsible for flood prediction, warnings and advice for the River Murray in all states which can be accessed at

Useful information

What is the difference between high flows and floods?

What are high flows?

High flows occur when River Murray flows reach 40 gigalitres per day (GL/day) at the South Australian border, with target high flows for environmental benefits being between 40GL/day and 80GL/day (Fig.2). These levels may cause water from the main river channel to flow over riverbanks, into surrounding creeks, lakes, wetlands and floodplains.

What are the effects of high flows?

High flows between 40GL/day and 80GL/day, generate system-wide environmental benefits, including keeping the Murray Mouth open, flushing salt, removing environmental debris, adjusting soil salinity levels, replenishing groundwater storage, creating breeding and feeding opportunities for water-dependant ecosystems, and providing additional water to precious wetlands and floodplains.

What are floods?

Floods can occur when River Murray flows exceed 100 GL/day (Fig.2), resulting in an overflow of water beyond the normal limits of a watercourse, and water extending over what is usually dry land. An example of this is when rivers break their banks and water covers the surrounding land.

What are the effects of floods?

While providing similar environmental benefits as high flows, major flooding such as the 2022-23 River Murray flood event, can cause damage to homes, businesses, and public infrastructure, with a lengthy and costly recovery process for river communities.

River Murray flows

High flow advice

In the interests of community safety, the following precautions are recommended:

  • Don’t drive, ride or walk through flood-affected causeways or roads.
  • Be aware that significant debris is being carried downstream and may pose a hazard to water-based activities.
  • When operating a boat on the floodplain or near inundated riverbanks, be aware of submerged obstacles such as trees and fence lines.
  • Landholders, especially those with shacks or other structures in low-lying areas, should consider securing their property from likely rising water levels.
  • The hazards associated with riverbank collapse still exist in some areas so be aware of the signs - such as cracked riverbanks and leaning trees and keep away from fenced or sign-posted affected areas.
  • Regularly monitor river levels in your local area, and take care not to become isolated by rising water.
  • Always wear a personal floatation device on the river.
  • Do not jump or dive into the river when you do not know what is below the surface.
  • Camp on higher ground away from the river bank.
  • Supervise children at all times and do not allow them to play in or near fast-flowing river water.
  • If in doubt, stay out.
  • Listen and take action on any instructions from the emergency services - the SES, SA Police and the CFS.
  • Tune to ABC local radio for community safety information.

High flow frequently asked questions

What is a River Murray High Flow Advice?

A High Flow Advice is not a flood warning, but an alert of a higher than average river current. The flow identified in a High Flow Advice is a figure that may occur, and subsequent forecasting will refine the figure.

The purpose of the High Flow Advice is to create raised alertness and monitoring in the community of the danger associated with flows in the River, and prevent unnecessary losses to the community.

Is it safe to go to the River Murray during high flows?

Yes, people are encouraged to enjoy the River Murray, while being aware of the hazards and acting responsibly to stay safe.

During high flows, T River Murray water level is higher than normal, and the flow is also faster. The main river channel may contain debris and other submerged hazards and will be harder to navigate by swimming or boat.

What is at risk of being flooded?

When the flow at the SA border is in the range of 40 to 60 GL/day, there is a small likelihood of extra inundation in the River Murray. The River channel will transport the extra flow through the locks and weirs, which causes a higher river current.

What are the flood warnings for the SA River Murray?

Flood level descriptions are based on flows at the SA-Victoria border as follows.

  • Up to 40 GL/day - within the normal range, and no warnings are required.
  • Above 40 GL/day - High Flow Advice is issued by DEW.
  • Above 60 GL/day - River Murray towns are unaffected and a High Flow Advice remains in place. Low lying areas and floodplains become inundated and a Flood Advice - River Murray Shack Areas between Cadell and Mannum (not towns) is issued by SES.
  • From 100 GL/day - a Flood Advice - River Murray is issued by SES.
  • From 130 GL/day - a Flood Watch and Act – River Murray is issued by SES.
  • From 200 GL/day - a Flood Emergency Warning – River Murray is issued by SES.
  • The Bureau of Meteorology also issues flood warning products (warnings, watches, bulletins) complementary to those issued by the SES.

Further information

Requests for assistance for on-water incidents or inundation of property should be directed to the SA State Emergency Service (SES) on 132 500. More information can be found on the SES website:

The Water Data SA website is South Australia’s comprehensive water information portal for real-time data (like salinity, water levels).

Up-to-date River Murray salinity, flow and water level information can also be accessed at the SA Water and Murray-Darling Basin Authority websites:

The Department for Environment and Water has published a series of River Murray inundation maps.

Details of river height and rainfall information in the River Murray within Victoria and New South Wales are available at the Bureau of Meteorology website:

The National Parks and Wildlife website will provide updates on any areas of National Parks that are impacted under a high flow. Visit their Closures and Alerts page to find out more: