Emergency and recovery support

Find out what emergency and recovery support is available to support pastoral businesses and pastoral communities, including bushfire, drought, storms and floods, and COVID-19.

24 hour Drought Hotline: 1800 931 314

Email: PIRSA.drought@sa.gov.au

Pastoral lease tenure forms

Use the following forms to apply for changes to a pastoral lease:

Any transfer or sub-lease of land must be for pastoral (grazing or raising livestock) or associated purposes.

Application fees may apply.

Note: these documents were prepared when the Pastoral Unit was part of PIRSA – references to PIRSA should be taken to mean DEW from 1 July 2022 when the Pastoral Unit became part of DEW.

How to submit your form and pay the fee

  • An invoice will be emailed to you with instructions for paying the application fee by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).

More information


Pastoral Unit
Phone: (08) 8429 0298
Email: DEW.PastoralTenure@sa.gov.au