Living with wildlifeLearn to live in harmony with native animals and manage their impacts effectively.
Keeping native animalsLearn about what to consider if you want to keep a native animal in South Australia.
Threatened species and ecological communitiesIdentify threatened species in South Australia and explore strategies for maintaining and enhancing conservation outcomes.
Sustainable use of animals and plantsExplore sustainable hunting, harvesting, and collection practices that minimise impacts to a species’ conservation status.
H5 avian influenza (bird flu)Keep updated with the latest information on the viral disease affecting animals worldwide.
Animal welfareExplore animal welfare, covering both native and introduced species, domesticated and wild.
Animal and plant lawsUnderstand the laws governing the department's role in supporting and regulating animal and plant management.
Developing a Cat Management Strategy for South AustraliaLearn about the development of a new Cat Management Strategy for South Australia.