Environmental outcomes of environmental flows
Murray-Darling Basin
The Murray-Darling Basin Authority provides information on where water for the environment was delivered.
Environmental outcomes identified in the Basin watering strategy are being monitored to determine the effectiveness of environmental flows. Information can be found in the Basin Plan Annual Report.
River Murray
Continued recovery of the River Murray in South Australia is dependent on ongoing provision of water for the environment at the right ecological time and duration.
The delivery of water to the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth (CLLMM) aims to maintain the level of the Lower Lakes within a range whilst maximising flow over the Lower Lakes barrages to meet environmental outcomes in the Coorong.
Water is also used to raise the water level in weir pools to mimic more natural water level variability. Changing how weirs are managed has been shown to deliver real benefits to the river channel, ephemeral wetlands and anabranch creeks and low lying parts of the floodplain.
More information on the water for the environment sites in South Australia, the volumes of water used, and the ecological outcomes achieved can be found in the annual environmental watering report for the South Australian River Murray water resource area.
Wetlands and floodplains
Water for the environment has many benefits for the wetlands and floodplains found along the length of the River Murray, such as improving fringing vegetation, supporting frog and waterbird breeding and, providing habitat for threatened fish species. Water is delivered to both permanent and temporary wetlands, as well as targeted floodplain sites across the region.
The Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board Wetland and Floodplain team delivers water for the environment to priority wetlands and floodplains along the River Murray in South Australia.
More information on the ecological outcomes of environmental flows to priority wetlands and floodplains can be found be in the following reports:
- Natural Resources SA Murray-Darling Basin environmental watering outcomes 2014-15
- Natural Resources SA Murray-Darling Basin environmental watering review 2014-15
The video below is one example of the positive effects of the environmental flows program at Akuna Station Wetland (near Waikerie SA). Visit our YouTube Channel for more examples.