River Murray news
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River Murray latest news
Displaying 6 - 10 of 21 items
The environment, irrigators and other River Murray water users are benefiting from record environmental water releases being delivered into the South Australia leg of the river.
Construction has commenced on a $13.7 million habitat restoration project at Lake Hawdon North on the state’s Limestone Coast.
The Riverland community will be asked to have input into the design of infrastructure upgrades at Bruno Bay in Cobdogla, which could see the boat ramp and community infrastructure made more accessible during high River Murray flows.
The Lower Murray barrages will be closed for the majority of next week in an effort to reduce the risk of saltwater incursion in the Lower Lakes, caused by projected storm conditions.
Projects to improve floodplain health, direct water back into local catchments and incorporate First Nations knowledge into water management practices were among those recognised at the Australian Stream Management Awards this month.