River Murray news
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River Murray latest news
Displaying 146 - 150 of 195 items
The South Australian and Australian governments have reached an historic agreement to support drought-affected farmers across the country.
Despite relatively dry conditions across the southern Murray-Darling, there have been modest improvements of approximately 50 gigalitres to the water resource availability to South Australia since the last update on 15 October 2019.
The State Government is collaborating with three regional councils to continue to develop a walking and cycling trail, which will eventually stretch 450 kilometres from Cadell in the Riverland to Salt Creek in the Coorong.
Conditions across the southern Murray-Darling Basin have remained relatively dry with no reasonable rainfall falling since the last update on 1 October 2019, which has resulted in no improvement to the water resource availability to South Australia.
South Australian River Murray irrigators’ allocations have increased to 87 per cent – improving from 81 per cent as announced on 16 September 2019.