BioData SA
Budget announcement for new BioData SA
The 2023-24 State Budget has allocated $8 million for the BioData SA project. This new four-year project will revolutionise biodiversity data management in South Australia and guide decision-making on protection and restoration programs.
Purpose of the new data system
BioData SA will introduce a modern data system to capture, manage, and share South Australia’s biodiversity data with scientists, governments, businesses, and the community.
It will increase the volume and quality of SA's biodiversity data, providing streamlined access for evidence-based decision-making in areas such as mining, planning, development approvals, emergency response, biodiversity management, and climate change.
Currently, the Department for Environment and Water (DEW) manages over 6 million biodiversity records, valued at over $200 million, in Biological Databases of South Australia (BDBSA) using outdated technology.
Benefits of the project
BioData SA will provide:
- enhanced discoverability, accessibility, sharing, and use of South Australian biodiversity data
- creation of a comprehensive ‘one-stop-shop’ for high-quality biodiversity information
- integration with new and emerging technologies.
Next steps
BioData SA is in the early stages of detailed planning and design of the new data system, including:
- partnering with key stakeholders and data providers
- maintaining current data systems during the project.
Get in touch
For updates or inquiries about the BioData SA project or more information on our statewide databases, please contact us at