Emergency service and CFS

Emergency Services Map Book series

The Emergency Services Map Book series provides detailed information
about each of the regions including topography, roads and tracks,
buildings and many other features in the landscape.

Maps are available as:

Topographic/Cadastral maps

Topographic/Cadastral maps

Topographic/cadastral maps display detailed large scale
representation of areas and boundaries based on surveys
undertaken depicting cultural and natural features.

Find out more.



Cadmaps display land parcel boundaries overlaid with aerial imagery
and topographic information such as contours, spot heights, water
courses and roads.

Pastoral areas maps

Pastoral areas of South Australia maps

The pastoral areas of South Australia maps display the location and names of South Australian pastoral stations.

Contact Mapland.

Local government maps

Local government maps

The local government maps displays the location of South Australian local government boundaries. The maps also display place names, roads and railways.

There are two maps in this series, one for the Adelaide metropolitan area and one for all other areas of South Australia.

Contact Mapland.

Postcode maps

Postcode maps

Postcode maps display the location of South Australian postcode boundaries. The map also displays place names, roads and railways.

There are two maps in this series, one for the Adelaide metropolitan area and one for all other areas of South Australia.

Contact Mapland.

Metropolitan suburbs maps

Metropolitan suburbs maps

The metropolitan suburbs maps displays the location of suburb boundaries within the Adelaide metropolitan area. The maps also displays roads and railways.

Contact Mapland.

Counties and hundreds maps

SA counties and hundreds maps

The SA counties and hundreds maps display the location of South Australian county and hundred boundaries. The maps also displays major roads and railways.

Contact Mapland.

DEWNR reserves maps

DEW reserves maps

The DEW reserves maps display the location of DEW national parks and reserves in South Australia.

Contact Mapland.

Find out more about DEW's national parks and reserves.

Custom maps

Custom maps – Cartographic Service

Mapland can also produce customised maps using existing data.

Contact us to discuss your requirements.