Basin, River Murray, Lakes, and the Coorong
The lands and waters of Murrundi (the River Murray) are central to the culture and beliefs of Traditional Owners, who have occupied, enjoyed, utilised and managed these areas since the Creation.
As the lifeblood of South Australia and the end point of the Murray-Darling Basin, the river provides essential water for irrigation, industry, domestic and recreational use, and for precious wetlands and floodplains.
The health of the River Murray and connected water bodies has in the past been heavily affected by regulation, over-use, and drought.
That’s why we manage the river carefully, working closely with a network of government agencies, Traditional Owners, other community groups, and the Murray-Darling Basin Authority.
Why is the River Murray so precious? How the river works, its infrastructure, history, and iconic sites.
Basin Plan and Murray-Darling Basin Agreement
About the Murray-Darling Basin Plan in South Australia and its implementation.
What is water for the environment? Find out where environmental water is being delivered, how much of it is available, how we plan and report on it, and how you can get involved.
Major flooding can cause considerable damage to homes, businesses, and public infrastructure, with lengthy and costly recovery processes for communities.
In dry conditions, River Murray flows can reach levels so low that there's not enough water for the environment, people, industries, and to keep the Murray Mouth open.
Education and visiting resources
Your one-stop-shop for student and teacher resources, things to do, places to see, vessel waste disposal stations, and maps.