In South Australia, the mid-Murray is located below Lock 2 and above Wellington, it includes a number of large towns such as Cadell, Morgan, Murray Bridge, Mannum and Swan Reach.

With easy access from Adelaide, there are many shacks and houseboats for hire in the area and it is popular for boating, fishing, canoeing and water skiing.

As well as tourism, the main industries in the area are agriculture, government administration, manufacturing and retail.

There are a number of national parks and conservation parks in the region, with Ngaut Ngaut Conservation Park offering a unique opportunity to join an experienced Aboriginal guide and learn about the extensive rock engravings and significant sites that continue to be important to Nganguraku and Ngaiwang people today.

The mid-Murray region relies on good river flows to maintain water levels for irrigation, water supply, navigation and to flush salt from the system and keep the river healthy.

During the Millennium Drought, industries and communities below Lock 1 were impacted by low water levels, poor water quality and riverbank collapse.

Mid-SA Murray

River Murray channel and floodplain

The Channel is the main body or artery of the River Murray. It connects the headwaters, floodplains, and wetlands with the estuary, Murray Mouth, and ocean.