Supply measure projects
Supply projects are improved ways to manage the Basin’s rivers to more efficiently deliver water for the environment.
Supply measure projects include environmental works, such as building or improving river or water management structures, and changes to river operating rules to achieve environmental outcomes with less water.
The South Australian Government submitted to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) a range of supply projects:
- The Living Murray projects: Chowilla, Pike, and Katarapko floodplains
- Flows for the Future
- Riverine Recovery Project: Yatco Lagoon and the Phase 1 and Phase 2 Wetlands Project
- South Australian Riverland Floodplain Integrated Infrastructure Program (SARFIIP) - Pike and Katarapko Floodplain Project
- South East Flows Restoration Project
- SA Constraints Measures Project
Together with New South Wales and Victoria, South Australia is also jointly responsible for implementing the Enhanced Environmental Water Delivery Project and The Living Murray environmental works and measures program.
Sustainable diversion limits in the Southern Connected Basin can be adjusted up and down through these projects, providing flexibility when needed. Supply measure projects (commonly called ‘offset projects’) allow diversion limits to be increased when they can achieve the Basin Plan’s target environmental outcomes with less water through improved ways to manage the Basin’s rivers to more efficiently deliver water for the environment. They include environmental works (such as building or improving river or water management structures), changes to river operating rules, and activities that address constraints to the delivery of water for the environment.
The Basin Plan requires the MDBA to undertake a reconciliation of supply measure projects in 2027 to determine if the package of projects have the potential to deliver the expected environmental outcomes.
Supporting documents for projects in South Australia
Note - Many of the technical reports below were drafts at the time of submission to the Sustainable Diversion Limits Adjustment Mechanism assessment process, and after being finalised may have new titles or additional information.
Projects managed by South Australia
The Living Murray projects
- The Living Murray Environmental Works and Measures Program - Chowilla Floodplain
- Appendix 1: Chowilla Floodplain: Environmental Water Management Plan - February 2012
- Appendix 2: Chowilla Floodplain Operations Plan for Chowilla Creek Regulator and ancillary structures - August 2014
Read about The Living Murray.
Flows for the Future
- Flows for the Future - Reforming flow management in the Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges Water Resources Area. A business case prepared for the Australian Government - March 2016. Includes Appendices (11 March 2016), SDL Adjustment Supply Measure Phase 2 Submission (11 March 2016) and Addendums providing additional information to support business case (4 August 2016) and Phase 2 submission (7 February 2017)
Read more about Flows for the Future.
Riverine Recovery Project
- Riverine Recovery Project: Yatco Lagoon and the Phase 1 and Phase 2 Wetlands Project including Sustainable Diversion Limits Phase 2 submission, Deed of Variations and Monitoring and Evaluation Program technical design and conceptual understanding documents
- The Morgan Conservation Park Wetland Management Plan Review and Update – 2012: example
Read more about the Riverine Recovery Project.
South Australian Riverland Floodplain Integrated Infrastructure Program (SARFIIP)
- SARFIIP Pike and Katarapko Floodplain Project Elements. Includes SDL Adjustment Supply Measure Phase 2 Business Case (Feb 2016) and Summary of supporting information (Feb 2016). Also includes Pike and Katfish Salinity Impact Assessments – Feb 2016
- Ecological objectives, targets and environmental water requirements for the South Australian River Murray floodplain environmental asset – 2016
Pike Floodplain:
- Pike Floodplain Hydraulic Modelling – Natural, Current and Basin Plan Flow Scenarios - 2016
- Pike Floodplain Hydraulic Modelling Review and Model Optimisation - 2016
- SARFIIP – Pike Floodplain Hydraulic Modelling, Managed Inundation Options Assessment Scenarios - 2014-15,2015-16
Katarapko Floodplain:
- Katarapko Floodplain Hydraulic Modelling – Natural, Current and Basin Plan Flow Scenarios - 2016
- Katarapko Floodplain Hydraulic Modelling Review and Model Optimisation - 2016
- SARFIIP – Katarapko Floodplain Hydraulic Modelling, Managed Inundation Options Assessment Scenarios - 2014-15,2015-16
Read more about SARFIIP.
South East Flows Restoration Project
- Sustainable Diversion Limit Adjustment Supply Measure Phase 2 Submission - January 2015. Includes Phase 2 Business Case (12 March 2013) and Third Deed of Variation
- The Tenth Deed of Variation to the Project Schedule for the South Australian Priority Project SA – 07: Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth Recovery Project - January 2020
- Lower Lakes and Coorong Recovery - Specifying an environmental water requirement for the Coorong and Lakes Alexandrina and Albert: A first iteration. Summary of methods and findings to date – June 2011
- Technical Note 2011/05 Coorong South Lagoon Flow Restoration Project Hydrological modelling and transmission loss analysis – November 2011
- Assessment of the effects of the 2013-2015 Morella Basin Releases on Coorong Water Quality – March 2017
- Water quality risk assessment for the Coorong DEWNR Technical Report 2016/01 – January 2016
Read more about the South East Flows Restoration Project.
River Murray in South Australia Constraints Measure
River Murray in South Australia Constraints Measure Business Case – March 2016
- Read more about the SA Constraints Measures Project.
Projects jointly managed by South Australia
Read about the Enhanced Environmental Water Delivery Project.
- Gunbower Forest TLM Proposal (VIC)
- Hattah Lakes North Floodplain Management Project (VIC)
- Mulcra Island Environmental Flows TLM Project (VIC)
- Lindsay Island (stage 1) TLM Project (VIC)
View a list of supply measures.