The maps portray areas in and around the towns of Renmark, Berri, Waikerie, Morgan, Blanchetown, Mannum and Murray Bridge that have been assessed as being subject to inundation. These areas are represented by transparent aqua shading in the mapping.

For other areas along the River Murray in South Australia see the River Murray inundation mapping.

An interactive River Murray infrastructure map shows structures on the River Murray floodplain that could be submerged due to high flows in the river.

What are the limitations of the mapping?

The data contained in this mapping is based on survey, hydraulic and hydrological modelling, to an accuracy sufficient only for broad scale flood risk management and planning. The inundation patterns are not those of actual historical floods.

Actual inundation patterns will vary from one flood to another being affected by earthworks, blockages of structures, the state of the vegetative cover and other factors.

The limit of flooding shown is not a boundary between flood prone and flood free land. Areas outside the limits shown could be inundated by larger floods.

Inundation maps for major towns

Projected inundation areas for major towns are provided for flows of 120 GL/day, 140 GL/day, 160 GL/day, 200 GL/day and 250 GL/day to assist in flood risk management and planning.

Projected flow inundation areas for Berri at:

Projected flow inundation areas for Blanchetown at:

Projected flow inundation areas for Mannum at:
Projected flow inundation areas for Morgan at:

Projected flow inundation areas for Murray Bridge at:
Projected flow inundation areas for northern parts of Renmark at:
Projected flow inundation areas for southern parts of Renmark at:
Projected flow inundation areas for Swan Reach at:
Projected flow inundation areas for Waikerie at: