Planning water for the environment
Water for the environment planning is underpinned by scientific evidence and hydrological modelling. Cultural, social, economic and recreational values are also considered alongside environmental objectives.
Planning can be complex, as it needs to consider environmental goals at multiple levels, from local wetlands and waterways, to state-wide, to the whole Murray-Darling Basin.
Basin-wide strategy
The Basin-wide Environmental Watering Strategy supports environmental water holders, Basin state governments, water managers and river operators to plan and manage environmental watering at a Basin scale. It aligns environmental watering plans to long-term environmental objectives and is a key strategy that guides the planning and management of water resources under the Basin Plan.
The strategy provides for environmental outcomes along the River Murray and for the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth.
Other important planning elements for all Basin states include long-term environmental watering plans, water resource plans, and annual environmental watering priorities. The South Australian plans and priorities are available below.
Long-term plans
Long-term watering plans (LTWPs) outline the long-term objectives and strategies to:
- inform decisions on how water recovered under the Basin Plan should be prioritised and delivered
- meet the watering requirements of environmental assets.
They also ensure water for the environment delivery aligns with the Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) Environmental Watering Strategy and the Environmental Watering Plan (Chapter 8 of the Basin Plan).
- South Australian River Murray LTWP
- Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges LTWP
- South Australian Murray Region LTWP
Water resource plan areas
The South Australian LTWPs are divided into 3 water resource plan areas (WRPAs):
- South Australian River Murray WRPA
- Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges WRPA (includes the Marne Saunders Prescribed Water Resources Area)
- South Australian Murray Region WRPA (covers groundwater and surface water in the remainder of the SA Murray-Darling Basin, including the Coorong and an extensive area north of the River Murray).
Annual plans
Annual watering priorities provide short-term local guidance on the actions needed to achieve long-term objectives. The planning for annual water delivery occurs between February and May each year.
As part of the planning process, the Department for Environment and Water (DEW) run a series of workshops with environmental water holders, scientific experts, First Nation peoples, non-government organisations and river operators. These workshops involve:
- considering the water resource forecast for the year ahead
- discussing watering events that may be possible with the volumes of water for the environment potentially available
- reviewing modelling and ecological monitoring data for each site
- beginning to develop watering proposals that aim to meet both site-specific and basin-wide targets.
- Using scenario-based approaches that consider the variety of possible future water resource conditions such as climate outlook, storage levels, environmental conditions and water availability.
Following consultation and planning, DEW and the Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board develop water for the environment proposals for the major South Australian sites and submit them to the MDBA Southern Connected Basin Environmental Watering Committee (SCBEWC) and the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder (CEWH).
The Basin Plan requires annual environmental watering priorities for each of the 3 South Australian water resource plan (WRP) areas to be identified for each year and submitted to the MDBA 31 May.
The MDBA then prepares the Basin Annual Environmental Watering Priorities, which contains a description of the various environmental priorities for the coming year.
SA River Murray annual plans and priorities
- SA River Murray annual environmental watering plan and priorities 2024-25
- SA River Murray annual environmental watering plan and priorities 2023-24
- SA River Murray annual environmental watering plan and priorities 2022-23
- SA River Murray annual environmental watering plan and priorities 2021-22
- SA River Murray annual environmental watering plan 2020-21
- SA River Murray annual environmental watering priorities 2020-21
- SA River Murray annual environmental watering plan 2019-20
- SA River Murray annual environmental watering priorities 2019-20
- SA River Murray annual environmental watering plan 2018-19
- SA River Murray annual environmental watering priorities 2018-19
- SA River Murray annual environmental watering plan 2017-18
- SA River Murray annual environmental watering priorities 2017-18
- SA River Murray annual environmental watering plan 2016-17
- SA River Murray annual environmental watering priorities 2016-17
- SA River Murray annual environmental watering plan 2015-16
- SA River Murray annual environmental watering priorities 2015-16
- SA River Murray annual environmental watering plan 2014-15
- SA River Murray annual environmental watering priorities 2014-15
- SA River Murray supporting information for 2014-15
Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges annual/biannual priorities
- Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges annual environmental watering priorities 2023-25
- Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges annual environmental watering priorities 2021-23
- Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges annual environmental watering priorities 2020-21
- Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges annual environmental watering priorities 2019-20
- Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges annual environmental watering priorities 2018-19
- Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges annual environmental watering priorities 2017-18
- Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges annual environmental watering priorities 2016-17
SA Murray Region annual/biannual priorities
- South Australian Murray Region annual environmental watering priorities 2023-25
- South Australian Murray Region annual environmental watering priorities 2021-23
- South Australian Murray Region annual environmental watering priorities 2020-21
- South Australian Murray Region annual environmental watering priorities 2019-20
- South Australian Murray Region annual environmental watering priorities 2018-19
- South Australian Murray region annual environmental watering priorities 2017-18
- South Australian Murray region annual environmental watering priorities 2016-17
SA River Murray Annual Operating Plans
- South Australia's River Murray Annual Operating Plan 2022-23
- South Australia’s River Murray Annual Operating Plan 2019-20
- South Australia's River Murray Annual Operating Plan 2021-22
Site plans
- The Chowilla environmental water management plan sets detailed objectives and targets to achieve the restoration of the Chowilla Floodplain
- The Living Murray LLCMM Environmental Water Management Plan