Water projects
To respond to environmental and water security challenges, we have implemented the following projects.
Current water projects
Alternative Water Supplies Efficiency Measures grants
A grants program aimed at building infrastructure that substitutes River Murray water used in open space irrigation and industry with alternative sources.
Basin Salinity Management 2030 Strategy
Activities and targets to keep salinity within established levels.
Enhanced Environmental Water Delivery
This project aims to improve the outcomes and efficiency of delivery of water for the environment.
This award-winning program works with landholders across the Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges and Marne Saunders Prescribed Water Resources Area to restore critical environmental flows to watercourses.
Great Artesian Basin Water Security program
This program provides funding to landholders to install and maintain wells and associated distribution networks in the Great Artesian Basin.
Healthy Coorong, Healthy Basin
This program is a commitment to restore a healthy Coorong via on-ground works, management tools, research, trials and investigations and more.
Lower Murray Reclaimed Irrigation Area Levees Intermediate Remediation project
The project will return sections of government and privately owned levees that were significantly damaged in the 2022-23 River Murray flood event to their pre-flood height.
Patawalonga South Gates Upgrade
This project is modernising the gate infrastructure for ongoing effective, safe and reliable operation.
South Australian Constraints Measures
This project is removing constraints (or barriers) to the delivery of water for the environment.
Sustaining Riverland Environments
This program implements projects focused on improving the condition of the lower River Murray channel, floodplain and wetland ecosystems, with the aim of recovering native fish populations and providing flow-on benefits for SA Riverland communities.
This program has cemented its place as one of Australia’s most significant restoration programs and even after 20 years, it shows no signs of slowing down.
Past water projects
Our Coorong | Our Coast (2023)
This project helped improve the ecological character of the Coorong and enhanced habitat for threatened species along the Limestone Coast through pest and weed control, migratory shorebirds protection plans, revegetation and monitoring.
Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth (CLLMM) Recovery project (2012-2020)
In response to the condition of the CLLMM site following the Millennium Drought, this project aimed to maintain and protect the environmental value of the Ramsar-listed site.
Riverine Recovery Project (2011-2019)
This project built resilience and addressed river health across the River Murray system in South Australia by enabling a more effective use of environmental water.
Bordertown Flood Monitoring project (2016)
This project developed a flood monitoring system for the Bordertown community in the south east of South Australia.
APY Lands Water Search project (2015)
This groundwater exploration and drilling project searched for water to meet the critical water needs of Aboriginal communities in the APY Lands and at Yalata.
About the now-concluded SA River Murray Sustainability Program, and SA River Murray Sustainability Program (SARMS).
South Australian Riverland Floodplains Integrated Infrastructure Program (SARFIIP)
SARFIIP constructed environmental regulators and blocking banks to allow the inundation of large areas of the floodplains, as well as saline groundwater management mechanisms to manage any salinity impacts from inundation.
Stock and domestic wells in Greater Adelaide moratorium (lifted 2020)
In 2020 the moratorium on drilling new domestic bores in Adelaide was lifted.