Northern Adelaide Plains Prescribed Wells Area Kangaroo Flat Water Licensing project

Kangaroo Flat is a farming area which forms part of the Northern Adelaide Plains Prescribed Wells Area (NAP PWA) in the northwest. Kangaroo Flat was brought under a Notice of Restriction on 31 March 2000, in response to concerns about the impacts of a significant increase in groundwater extraction in the area. The area was then included in the prescription of the NAP PWA on 22 July 2004 to protect the water from overuse and to secure it for the future.

Resource capacity

Measured data demonstrates that when more than 1,500,000 kilolitres (kL) of water is extracted from bores in the Kangaroo Flat area each year there are adverse impacts on water quality and availability. In the Kangaroo Flat area there is a strong relationship between extraction volumes and salinity. When more than 1,500,000 kL of water (per year) is extracted, there is a measurable increase in groundwater salinity level; water becomes increasingly unusable for irrigated crops and stock and domestic use. The capacity of the Kangaroo Flat groundwater resource is 1,500,000 kilolitres (kL) per year.

Further information on the condition and capacity of the Kangaroo Flat groundwater resource can be found in a series of technical notes and reports published by this department.

Reductions to allocations

On 15 December 2017, the department issued water licences to existing users in the Kangaroo Flat area, with 100 percent of their full reasonable water requirements. The total aggregate of the entitlements issued was 2,689,000 kL.

To support the long-term viability of the aquifer system it is necessary for the aggregate of entitlements to be brought in line with the capacity of the resource (1,500,000 kL). This is being achieved through the implementation of staged reductions.

All existing users will have their entitlements reduced proportionately over a five year period according to the schedule detailed below:

Timing and YearPercentage of Reasonable Requirement
July 201890%
July 202073%
July 202256% - reduction target achieved

This staged approach is to allow licence holders the opportunity to progressively manage their water use as their allocation is reduced.

Once the reduction has been fully implemented, the total aggregate of entitlements will be 1,506,000 kL. This level of extraction is considered to be sustainable in the long term for the area, supporting the longevity of the resource for water users and the environment.

More information

For further information about water licences and water entitlements in the Kangaroo Flat area, please read the fact sheet.

Contact us

If you have any further questions regarding water licences and water entitlements in the Kangaroo Flat area of the NAP PWA, please phone (08) 8463 6876.

Central Adelaide Plains Prescribed Wells Area Licensing project

Groundwater in the greater Adelaide area is used for industrial, agricultural and commercial uses, including the irrigation of recreational open spaces.

Groundwater is also used by households for domestic use (including watering up to 0.4 hectares of land connected to a dwelling) and for the watering of stock (other than stock for commercial farming).

In 2007 the groundwater in the Adelaide metropolitan area was prescribed to protect the water from overuse and to secure it for the future. This area is now known as the Central Adelaide Prescribed Wells Area – if you would like to know exactly where this area is take a look at the map on the Prescription of the Central Adelaide Prescribed Wells Area fact sheet.

Now that the groundwater resource is prescribed, a water licence is required to use water for any purpose other than for household domestic use or the watering of stock.

Changes to the water licence application process in the Central Adelaide area

Following the State Government's initial call for groundwater licence applications for the Central Adelaide Prescribed Wells Area (PWA), it was recognised that a number of eligible water users (based on their use or commitment to groundwater use during the period 01 July 2002 to 30 November 2005) did not apply for a water licence within the designated application period.

In late 2016, the department sought community feedback on the proposal to re-open the period to apply for a groundwater licence in the Central Adelaide PWA. The community supported the proposal to provide individuals with a further opportunity to apply for a water licence and all subsequent approvals necessary to make the Regulation have since been obtained.

So a Regulation has been made - What does this mean?

The department accepted applications for groundwater licences from 01 December 2017 to 01 June 2018. To be eligible for a groundwater licence, the application was required to relate to groundwater that was taken or a commitment to the taking of groundwater for a commercial, industrial or irrigation purpose during the period 01 July 2002 to 30 November 2005.

The extended application period is now closed.

More information

For further information about the Prescribed Wells Areas, including a map, read the Prescription of the Central Adelaide Prescribed Wells Area fact sheet.

Contact us

If you still have any questions about groundwater in the Central Adelaide Prescribed Wells Area, please phone (08) 8463 6844 or email us at