The Living Murray Program was established in 2002 to improve the health of six (now eight) 'icon' sites that comprise forests, wetlands and lakes along the River Murray. The program continues to return water to the environment through purpose-built infrastructure that helps deliver water to the icon sites and improve the health of the River Murray.

The icon sites are:

  • Barmah–Millewa Forest (NSW)
  • Gunbower–Koondrook–Perricoota Forests (Vic)
  • Koondrook-Perricoota Forest
  • Hattah Lakes (Vic)
  • Lindsay-Wallpolla-Mulcra Islands
  • Chowilla Floodplains and Lindsay–Wallpolla–Mulcra Islands (SA/Vic)
  • Lower Lakes, Coorong and Murray Mouth (SA)
  • River Murray Channel (SA)

These sites were selected due to their high ecological and economic value, as well as their cultural and heritage significance to Traditional Owners. All icon sites are regionally, nationally and internationally significant and are recognised under international agreements such as the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands.

In 2003, the Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council announced the ‘First Step Decision’ to recover 500 gigalitres of water for the environment for the six icon sites along the River Murray, and to construct infrastructure to help increase the efficiency of the delivery of water for the environment.

It was clear a water allocation specifically for the environment was needed in response to a steady decline in natural river flow as a result of over extraction of water, increased river regulation and diversion and a changing climate. The concept of water for the environment was developed to reverse the decline, specifically targeting icon sites along the River Murray. The aim is to reverse ecological decline by enabling inundation of large areas of the floodplain at frequencies more like the natural conditions under which plants and animals have evolved.

TLM remains one of Australia’s most significant river restoration programs of its kind.

On-ground works and monitoring

  • Fishways installed in the barrages to allow fish to pass through them.
  • New surface water monitoring stations installed in Finniss River and Currency Creek, and upgrades including the addition of pH, turbidity and wind sensors made to existing monitoring stations.
  • Monitoring methodologies as described in the LLCMM Icon Site Condition Monitoring Plan. The findings from the 2012-13 monitoring reports are summarised in the LLCMM Icon Site Synthesis Report 2012-13. The MDBA further explains how environmental monitoring is taking place at all The Living Murray icon sites.

Past monitoring reports are available on request.

Condition monitoring parameter

Service provider


Lower Lakes threatened fish monitoring

The University of Adelaide

November and March

Coorong and Lower Lakes bird census and habitat analysis

The University of Adelaide


Lower Lakes aquatic vegetation monitoring

SARDI Aquatic Sciences

October and April

Lower Lakes monthly bird monitoring

Coorong Nature Tours

Monthly; ongoing

Coorong and Lower Lakes benthic invertebrate/mudflat monitoring

Flinders University


Coorong commercial fish monitoring

SARDI Aquatic Sciences


Ngarrindjeri people

We work in partnership with the Ngarrindjeri Regional Authority, which includes Ngarrindjeri Nation communities, Ngarrindjeri native title claimants and the Ngarrindjeri Heritage Committee. Ngarrindjeri and The Living Murray staff engage through the Kungan Ngarrindjeri Yunnan Agreement (KNYA) Taskforce and smaller working groups.

South Australian icon sites

The Living Murray

Chowilla Floodplain Icon Site

Our work at Chowilla includes:

  • environmental watering and monitoring to protect priority wetland sites as refuge for plants and animals, and to better understand the condition of the floodplain and how to best manage this precious area
  • engagement with the community to achieve and sustain long term benefits
  • operation and management of floodplain infrastructure to enable us to make the best possible use of any environmental water available.

The activities underway are directed by the Chowilla environmental water management plan (find it here). The plan outlines the site's water requirement, how the regulator and other measures will be used to meet those needs, and the preferred operation and the monitoring.

Curlew sandpipers at Lake Alexandrina. Image courtesy of Peter Koch

Lower Lakes, Coorong and Murray Mouth Icon Site

Our work at this site includes:

  • delivering water for the environment and monitoring to protect priority wetland sites as refuge for plants and animals, and to better understand the condition of the Coorong estuary and how to best manage it
  • extensive community, Traditional Owner and scientific engagement to ensure effective consultation and participation in decision-making processes
  • operational management of the Lower Lakes and barrage infrastructure to make the best possible use of any water for the environment available.

The activities are guided by the LLCMM Environmental Management Plan (find it here).

The CLLMM Community Advisory Panel (CAP) is a voluntary, non-statutory, community-based advisory body that provides knowledge and advice, assists in developing, planning and implementing actions and policy. The CLLMM CAP is chaired by Bill Paterson, meets 6 times a year and has the following Terms of Reference.

Researchers from Flinders University, The University of Adelaide, CSIRO and SARDI Aquatic Sciences provide advice on water birds, aquatic vegetation, macroinvertebrates, fish, frogs, water quality, groundwater, acid sulfate soils and wetland ecology. Landscape SA, our department, and the EPA are also in the group. The group provides scientific advice and recommendations, and informs monitoring projects. It is currently chaired by the Director of River Murray Operations and meets four times a year.

The Living Murray

River Murray Channel Icon Site

Improving conditions in the Channel - mainly by delivering water for the environment through it - not only benefits the Channel environment, but also the many wetlands, floodplains, and weir pools along the way.

Contact us

Adrienne Rumbelow
Lower Lakes, Coorong and Murray Mouth Icon Site Coordinator
(08) 8463 7486

The Living Murray is a joint initiative funded by the New South Wales, Victorian, South Australian, Australian Capital Territory and Commonwealth governments and coordinated by the MDBA.