Photo: Completed flow gauging station in Tatiara Creek, upstream of Bordertown.

This project is now completed.

The Bordertown Flood Monitoring project developed a flood monitoring system for the Bordertown community in the south east of South Australia.

This project was in response to the identified flood risk in the region and included the development of two in stream monitoring gauges in Tatiara Creek and the installation of three rainfall gauges in the Tatiara Creek catchment.

The department worked together with project partners: Tatiara District Council, Natural Resources South East and the South East Water Conservation Drainage Board.

The project was funded through the Natural Disaster Resilience Program, a Commonwealth and state government program to increase community resilience to natural disasters.

The project was completed on schedule and officially opened by Minister Ian Hunter and Minister Peter Malinauskas in September 2016.

Real time and historical data from the monitoring sites developed through this project is available online through WaterConnect.

Timelapse video of the Bordertown Pinehill weir construction