Constraints Measures Project
The South Australia Constraints Measures Project is removing constraints - or barriers - to the delivery of water for the environment.
In 2013, the Constraints Management Strategy was produced by the Murray-Darling Basin Authority to identify the physical, operational and management constraints that are affecting delivery of water for the environment for 7 key areas across the Basin, including the River Murray in South Australia.
The project also improves access to the river and facilities for water managers, communities and landholders during natural high flow events.
High flow events that enable flows over riverbanks benefit the environment because they connect habitats along the floodplain with one another and the main river channel. Species are then able to access refuge habitat areas, find breeding partners, and recolonise suitable habitats, all of which are important for the species’ long-term survival. Flooding also increases food resources for species downstream.
Planning controls developed as a result of the 1956 flood event have guided the construction of infrastructure on the floodplain to minimise impacts of future high flows and flood events. However, during high flows, inundation of some riverfront land, jetties, banks, marinas, pontoons and public roads can occur.
Benefits to South Australia
Research shows that South Australia benefits from having coordinated flows of up to 80,000 megalitres per day (ML/day) at the border for one month at a time, up to three times a decade. This threshold is below the levels observed in 2016 (95,000 ML/day) and well below the 2022-2023 (190,000 ML/day) and 1956 (341,000 ML/day) flood levels.
The Constraints Measures Project investigated ways to mitigate the effects of high flows on infrastructure and communities, and additional strategies such as more culverts and road upgrades, riverbanks, walls, boating and marina infrastructure have been considered to improve access for communities and landholders during natural high flow events.
High flows are not floods, however, individual property owners should still prepare for high flows to minimise impacts to their land and infrastructure. Information and advice on high flows can be found on the River Murray Flows page.
Progress of the project
The SA Constraints Measures Project has already removed a range of barriers that were impeding environmental flows. It developed a framework to support government’s management of environmental water delivery and an on-ground works program to remove physical barriers inhibiting environmental water from reaching the floodplains and wetlands.
The SA Constraints Measures Early Works project includes infrastructure upgrades that will contribute to building community resilience. The Early Works project is part of a package of initiatives that make up the Murray-Darling Basin Authority’s Sustainable Diversion Limit (SDL) Adjustment Mechanism.
We have worked closely with stakeholders and members of the community on the Early Works project, to understand their priorities and needs and to identify infrastructure options that can be constructed as part of the SA Constraints Measures Early Works project.
The following works are now underway as part of the Early Works project:
- Channel clearing to improve flow and connectivity across Murray River National Park floodplains at Katarapko.
- Installation of gates and signage in the Murray River National Park at Chowilla and Morgan, to improve visitor management and safety during high flow periods.
- Modernising the Noora pipeline and Renmark Area Drainage Discharge Scheme (RADDS) infrastructure to reduce the risk of failure during high flow events and improve saline groundwater management.
- Upgrading surface water monitoring stations to ensure critical water flow, height and salinity monitoring during high flows.
- Detailed design of cultural facilities at Ngaut Ngaut Conservation Park.
- Upgrading infrastructure on the Loxton riverfront, including 3 toilet blocks, 3 sluice gate upgrades, bank stabilisation and upgrading the Community Waste Water Management System switchboard.
- Design of bank stabilisation at Pomberuk/Hume Reserve in Murray Bridge.
- Detailed design of upgrades to the Swan Reach boat ramp, South Punyelroo Community Waste Water System and roads in the Scott Creek shack area.
- Construction of a house boat mooring at Bowhill.
- Infrastructure improvements at Central Irrigation Trust drainage outlets to improve safety for workers managing irrigation infrastructure during environmental high flow events.
- Detailed design of upgrades to the Renmark rowing dock, Lock 5 marina and 21st Street Bridge.
The South Australia Constraints Measures project was delivered by the Government of South Australia and funded by the Australian Government, as part of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.
- South Australian Constraints Measures Project fact sheet
- Water for the environment and high flows fact sheet