State and national

Water legislation and policies

Landscape South Australia Act 2019

A framework for the sustainable and integrated management of water resources. It mandates establishment and maintenance of the Water Register.

Water legislation and policies

Natural Resources Management (Commercial Forests) Amendment Act 2011

This Act provides tools for managing the impacts of commercial forestry: a forest water licensing system, and a more flexible permit system.

Glenthorne farm

Water Industry Act 2012

This Act regulates the water and sewerage industry, and governs the entities that provide retail water services to South Australian customers.

The draft Water Security Statement considers how we can make sure we have the water we need to support the state’s economic growth targets, a vibrant society and healthy environments.

Water Security Statement

Priorities to ensure our water resources continue to meet the needs of the South Australian environment, communities and economy.

Water allocations, markets and licences

Water legislation and policies

Water metering policies and legislation

A summary of relevant legislation, meter specifications, and meter standards.

Water monitoring station A4261135, Long Point Jetty, in the Coorong National Park.

Water monitoring policy, guidelines and procedures

To ensure water data from the various sources is consistent, comparable and of a known quality, data is collected and recorded to state and national guidelines and standards.

External link

River Murray, Lower Lakes, and Coorong region

Water legislation and policies

Basin Plan

The aim of the Murray–Darling Basin Plan is to bring the basin back to a healthier and sustainable level, while continuing to support farming and other industries for the benefit of the Australian community.

Water legislation and policies

River Murray Act 2003

The Act aims to ensure that all reasonable and practicable measures are taken to protect, restore and enhance the River Murray.

Other regions

Water legislation and policies

Groundwater (Border Agreement) Act 1985

The Agreement provides that the available groundwater shall be shared equitably between the two states and applies to all existing and future bores.

Water legislation and policies

Lake Eyre Basin Intergovernmental Agreement

An Agreement between the Australian, Queensland and South Australian governments in recognition of the need to maintain the values associated with the Lake Eyre Basin.

Aerial photo of the Upper South East drainage area

South East Water Conservation and Drainage Act 1992

An Act to provide for the conservation and management of water and the prevention of flooding of rural land in the South East of the State.

Water legislation and policies

Water allocation plans

A water allocation plan is a legal document that sets out the rules for managing the take and use of prescribed water resources to ensure they are used sustainably.

Urban water

Water legislation and policies

Urban water legislation, policies and plans

Water management in our towns and cities is underpinned by legislation frameworks, policies and plans that address the many different aspects of urban water management.