South Eastern Water Conservation and Drainage Act
The high level purpose for management of the drainage network is set out in the South Eastern Water Conservation and Drainage Act 1992, described as:
“An Act to provide for the conservation and management of water and the prevention of flooding of rural land in the South East of the State; and for other related purposes”.
The Act specifies a number of objectives:
- the prevention or minimisation of damage to agricultural production and the natural environment caused by flooding within the South East
- the improvement of the soil quality and the productiveness generally of rural lands in the region
- the enhancement or development of natural wetlands and the natural environment generally in the region.
Previously the South Australian Government proclaimed the USE Dryland Salinity and Flood Management Act 2002 (USE Act) in December 2002 to facilitate and support the delivery of the USE Dryland Salinity and Flood Management program (USE program). The USE Act expired on 19 December 2012 and arrangements were put in place to ensure a smooth transition for the day-to-day operations and management of the drainage system and infrastructure.
South Eastern Water Conservation and Drainage Board
The South Eastern Water Conservation and Drainage (SEWCD) Board DRAFT Management Plan to 2022 outlines the key activities that will be undertaken to meet the objectives of the South Eastern Water Conservation and Drainage Act 1992 (the Act).
Under the Act, the SEWCD Board has the following functions:
- To provide an effective and efficient system for managing the surface water of the non-urban lands in the region, by conserving, draining, altering the flow of or utilising that water in any manner
- To carry out works for the purpose of lowering the level of the water table of lands in the region
- To undertake, assist or promote research in the fields of water conservation, drainage and management
- To give advice and assistance to others in the fields of water conservation, drainage and management
- The enhancement or development of natural wetlands and the natural environment generally in the region