As the driest state in Australia, with highly variable weather that sometimes produces heavy rains and floods, it is important that we are well prepared for current challenges as well as those that will arise in a drier and stormier climate.

Integrated urban water management involves more than just building infrastructure. We also need to incentivise institutional cooperation, clearly define roles and responsibilities, ensure that we have supportive enabling regulation, and build a well informed and supportive community.

The Urban Water Directions Statement outlines priority actions in all of these areas for delivery over coming years.

Implementation of the Statement’s strategies will help to deliver affordable and fit-for-purpose water supplies, improve the liveability of our towns and cities, and minimise environmental impacts.

Consultation process

To facilitate discussions and seek feedback from key stakeholders on South Australia’s future directions for urban water management, in 2021 we prepared a discussion paper. It included an overview of the urban water management issues facing South Australia’s urban areas and summarised some challenges and potential opportunities associated with: water supply planning; providing for flood mitigation and other stormwater management services that will be needed in the future; and ensuring water strongly contributes to our cities and towns as healthy, green and climate resilient places.

In addition, three support papers were also released. These included questions to elicit responses on the issues the papers covered and provided opportunities for stakeholders to raise any further issues that they considered important regarding the future management of South Australia’s urban water resources and services.

The discussion paper and support papers were released in August 2021 to key state agencies, the Local Government Association (and South Australian local government sector through an LGA circular), urban water industry practitioners, and non-government organisations with an interest in the role that water plays in supporting South Australia’s social and economic development and the protection of our natural environment. Several forums were also held as part of this process.

Further details on the consultation process, a list of those organisations which provided feedback, and a high-level summary of feedback received from the consultation process, is available in the: