Sustaining Riverland Environments

After many years of decline in ecosystem health, the Australian and South Australian governments are taking action to change this via a range of initiatives and environmental works programs.

Announced in September 2020 as part of the Australian Government’s Murray-Darling Communities Investment Package, the $37.6 million Sustaining Riverland Environments (SRE) program implements projects focused on improving the condition of the lower River Murray channel, floodplain and wetland ecosystems, with the aim of recovering native fish populations and providing flow on benefits for SA Riverland communities. The program will help achieve a healthier River Murray system for stronger communities, better recreation and more profitable industries, while also stimulating jobs and economic growth in the Riverland region.

In November 2020, 3 ecologically important South Australian Riverland sites were identified for increased investment as part of SRE. The objectives of the 3 site projects are to:

Delivering these projects will further increase the efficiency and effectiveness of environmental water use and maximise benefits from investments via the Basin Plan and other local programs such as the South Australian Riverland Floodplains Integrated Infrastructure Program (SARFIIP) and Riverine Recovery Program (RRP).

These projects will be managed alongside existing projects, including the South Australian Constraints Measures project and annual environmental water planning.

Sustaining Riverland Environments
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We are committed to working with First Nations people, local communities and the broader South Australian community throughout the life of the SRE program.

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Weir pool manipulation

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The Sustaining Riverland Environments Program is a $37.6 million program funded by the Australian Government through the Murray-Darling Basin Authority and delivered by the Government of South Australia through the Department for Environment and Water.