Urban water reports
On this page:
- Information and data sources
- Urban water reports
- Resilient town and cities document collections
- Researching urban management for resilient towns and cities
- Programs researching urban water management
- Journals featuring research in water management
National and international urban water management developments are followed closely, combined with an understanding of local conditions and needs to develop the best water management approach for South Australia’s towns and cities.
Key information sources have been collated below. This collection does not include information, reports or data related to individual projects or activities, which should be sought from the proponent.
Information and data sources
WaterConnect – South Australia's water information portal
Regional surface water and groundwater assessments prepared annually by DEW
SA Water database of current tap water mineral make‑up and supply information for towns and suburbs
South Australia flood awareness website with links to a Flood Awareness Map
Real time water monitoring data for South Australia
Green Adelaide water monitoring data and analyses from long term ongoing citywide program
EPA Aquatic ecosystem monitoring evaluation and reporting for South Australia
Water Sensitive SA interactive WSUD map for South Australia
SA Water operations data over 5 years 2014 – 2019
Urban national performance report of Australian water utilities Bureau of Meteorology
Treenet database of 20 years of Symposia on urban greening including water management
Hydrological Society of South Australia archive of 20 years of seminar presentations
Water data and information Department for Environment and Water
Urban water reports
The South Australian resilient town and city reference catalogue contains links to more than 300 on line reference and management documents related to the management of water, greening, heat and natural environments in the towns and cities of South Australia. This reference catalogue includes strategies, technical reports, discussion papers, guidelines, manuals, and journals and conference articles.
Significant publications related to the management of water in South Australian towns and cities are listed below.
Resilient town and cities document collections
Stormwater Management Authority
Department of Transport and Infrastructure Green Infrastructure Commitment
Water Services Association of Australia Publications
LGA Community Wastewater Management System (CWMS) Useful publications & resources
Researching urban management for resilient towns and cities
South Australian urban water research organisations:
- Goyder Institute for Water Research
- National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training at Flinders University
- Water Research Australia
- Water Research Centre at the University of Adelaide
Programs researching urban water management
Historic research programs have informed the development of urban water management in South Australia and remain a source of information. Each research program had particular drivers and research aims, so while these contributed to the body of knowledge at the time, care should be taken when applying the findings, which may have been superseded.
- Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities 2015 to 2021
- Cooperative Research Centre for Low Carbon Living 2012 to 2019
- Goyder Institute Urban Water Research program 2013 –14
- Victorian Centre for Climate Change Adaptation Research 2009 to 2014
- National Tree Day Research
Journals featuring research in water management
Available via:
- American Journal of Public Health
- Applied Energy
- Applied Geography
- Atmospheric Environment
- Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
- Ecological Indicators
- Ecological Modelling
- Ecosystem Services
- Ecosystems
- Energy Procedia
- Environmental Management
- Environmental Modelling and Software
- Environmental Research
- Frontiers of Architectural Research
- International Journal of Biometeorology
- International Journal of Water Resources Development
- Journal of Environmental Management
- Journal of Hydrology
- Land Use Policy
- Landscape Ecology
- Landscape and Urban Planning
- Planning Theory & Practice
- Plants People Planet
- Plant Physiology
- Procedia
- Procedia – Social and Behavioural Sciences
- Procedia Engineering
- Science of the Total Environment
- Urban Forestry & Urban Greening
- Urban Science
- Urban Water
- Water
- Water Cycle
- Water e-journal
- Water Research
- Water Resources Research
- Water Resources Planning and Management
- Water Science & Technology