Topics > Water and River Murray

Water licences, allocations and markets

To manage South Australia’s water sustainably, we issue licences, allocations and permits, and have rules on water trading.

Many of our waterways are 'prescribed water resources'. Water allocation plans are developed with local communities for prescribed waterways, to define sustainable limits and the rules around how water may be used or taken.

Licences, allocations and markets

Water Register

Your one-stop place for information about water instruments, rights, licences and permits approved in South Australia.

Licences, allocations and markets

mywater Portal

Manage your South Australian account, licences and permits online and via your phone or tablet.

Licences, allocations and markets

Water licences, accounts and metering

Understand water licences and accounts in South Australia, plus how to meter your water use.

Licences, allocations and markets

Water allocations and carryover

Current and past water allocations, your carryover options, plus water allocation explained.

Licences, allocations and markets

Water markets and trade

Why trade water? How the water market works, and the rules in South Australia.

Licences, allocations and markets

Well drilling permits

Find out about water permits for drilling wells, including when you need one and well permit conditions.

Licences, allocations and markets

Water affecting activity permits

Understand water permits for activities that affect water, such as constructing a dam and excavating material from a watercourse.