Do I need a mywater login?

You require a mywater login if you wish to manage your water instruments or you are authorised to manage someone else’s water instruments online.

While South Australia’s water users and businesses transition to mywater, you can still do your water business with us - for now - via our familiar offline forms. DEW staff are available to offer support by email or telephone.

Once you are set up to use mywater, you will be able to take advantage of faster processing, the convenience of online payments, and the ability to track the progress of your application online anytime.

What can I do in mywater?

Use mywater to:

  • submit a meter read
  • monitor water allocations and entitlements
  • apply to transfer or trade water
  • apply for well permits construction permits and lodge well completion reports
  • apply for permits to drill wells and for other water affecting activities
  • apply for, vary, or renew well drillers licences
  • apply for or vary site use approvals
  • check application statuses
  • make payments
  • provide notifications for installed, replaced, moved, repaired, or removed water meters.

You can use mywater to manage these things yourself, or complete the necessary paperwork and authorise another person/s to request a mywater login so that they can manage your water activities online on your behalf.

Will my applications be processed faster if lodge in mywater?

In most cases, yes. Many processes in mywater are automated. Many forms you are used to filling out manually will be pre-populated with data specific to you if you lodge them via mywater. Thus, mywater reduces the time it takes to submit, process and approve an application. This brings water trade processing times in South Australia in line with other Murray-Darling Basin states.

mywater is available 24/7, so you can submit the application at any time including an evening or weekend. Remember though that most applications are subject to assessment by reference to relevant rules and will only be approved if they comply with those rules (for example the rules governing allocation transfer in the relevant water allocation plan).

You can check the progress of your application at any time in your personal mywater dashboard.

What are the payment options for paying Water Licensing invoices?

Once you have a mywater login and user profile, you may pay for water licensing applications or outstanding invoices (e.g. levy invoices) by credit or debit card.

The following offline payment options are also available to all water users and water businesses:

  • BPay
  • Australia Post Billpay
  • credit or debit card by telephone
  • cheque or money order.

Can I access mywater from a mobile device?

Yes. mywater has been designed and tested to be compatible with mobile devices, including tablets and mobile phones, as well as desktop computers. mywater is compatible with:

  • Google Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Microsoft Edge

Contact us

mywater Contact Centre

Phone: 08 7133 7333 during business hours