A water allocation is the percentage of a licensed water user’s entitlement available to them in a given year.

We announce projected minimum opening allocations on 15 April each year and provide an update on 15 May.

Official opening allocations are announced on 15 June.

Each new water year starts on 1 July. From this point, we provide updates fortnightly until allocations reach 100 per cent, should they do so.

Water allocations are an important way to share, conserve and manage the restricted volume of water available to South Australia.

Water allocations and carryover

Current allocations

Information for River Murray water licence holders about current allocations, plus announcements about upcoming allocations.

Water allocations and carryover

Water calculator

The SA River Murray Water Calculator can help you plan for the season and get a picture of how water across South Australia is shared.

Water allocations and carryover

Past allocations

Detailed information about past announcements since 2009 and summaries of allocations dating back to 2002.

Water allocations and carryover

Carryover and other options

In dry years, find out how you may be able to carry over your unused allocation into the following year.

Water allocations and carryover

How River Murray water is allocated

River Murray water is shared within South Australia, and between New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia.

Water allocations and carryover

Water licences and permits forms

Apply for a water licence or permit here.

For more information