Private carryover

Private carryover is a drought management measure for holders of Class 3 (High Security) water access entitlement. It enables unused water allocation to be stored in one water year for use in the next. In dry periods, it can increase the volume of water allocation available to water users at the beginning of a water year by up to 20 percent of the entitlement held at the end of the previous year.

Access to carryover may be made available when the projected minimum opening water allocation is 50 percent or less. We will announce if private carryover is available when the projected opening allocation is announced on 15 April (or the next business day) each year. This is to ensure entitlement holders have time to plan and make decisions about carryover arrangements.

Private carryover in 2023-24

Private carryover is not available for the 2023-24 period.

In accordance with the Water Allocation Plan for the South Australian River Murray Prescribed Watercourse, access to private carryover is only available to eligible users when the projected minimum opening irrigation allocation is 50 percent or less.

The worst case projected minimum opening allocation for 2023-24 is 100 percent therefore private carryover will not be available.

How we calculate the volume available for carryover

South Australia has the right to store (defer) a portion of its entitlement in the upstream River Murray storages and subsequently deliver this water for critical human water needs and private carryover in a future dry year(s).

The volume of water available for private carryover purposes is determined by the minister. Consideration is given to any volume that is forecast to be in storage at the beginning of the next water use year, after making an allowance for storage loss, such as evaporation.

Eligibility and limits

You will be eligible for carryover into the next water year if:

  • you hold a South Australian Class 3 (High security) water access entitlements on 30 June in your name; and
  • you have not used all your water allocation in the current water year.

The maximum volume of carryover that may be granted will be 20 percent of the Class 3 (High Security) water access entitlement held at 30 June. When there is insufficient water stored to grant the maximum 20 percent carryover for all holders, the percentage will be reduced. The percentage is calculated annually and announced on 15 April (or next business day) each year.

If allocations increase to 100 percent, water users will be able to access their full volume of granted carryover.

If your Class 3 entitlement is held by a third party (e.g. an irrigation trust), you will need to contact them to discuss your carryover options.

How to apply if carryover is announced

If carryover is announced for the coming water year, eligible entitlement holders will need to lodge an application by 15 June, and, at the time of application:

  • provide a current meter reading that demonstrates that there is unused water allocation volume equal to or greater than the volume applied for carryover; and
  • pay the prescribed fee.

If your application is successful, the approved carryover volume will not be available for use for the remainder of the current water use year.

Alternatives to SA River Murray private carryover

Not all water entitlements in the Southern Connected System have access to carryover and the way carryover works in each state is different.

Victorian carryover

In Victoria, carryover is available for high and low reliability water entitlement shares. Any carryover plus new allocation greater than the volume of the entitlement is set aside in “spillable” accounts and only becomes available when the Victorian Resource Manage declares a low risk (<10 per cent chance) of spill from Hume Reservoir. If Victorian water in Hume spills, some or all of the allocation in the spillable accounts may be lost, as occurred in October 2016.

View Victoria’s carryover arrangements.

New South Wales carryover

NSW Murray and Lower Darling general security entitlement holders may carryover up to 50 per cent of their entitlement volume, but if the sum of their carryover allocation plus annual allocation is greater than 110 per cent of their entitlement volume, any additional annual allocation is forfeited. Other licenses including those in relation to high security, stock and domestic, conveyance, water utility and supplementary water do not have access to carryover.

NSW Murrumbidgee general security entitlement holders may carryover up to 30 per cent of their entitlement volume, but if the sum of their carryover allocation plus annual allocation is greater than 100 per cent of their entitlement volume, the additional allocation is forfeited. Other licences including those in relation to high security, stock and domestic, conveyance, water utility and supplementary water do not have access to carryover.

View NSW’s allocation and carryover arrangements.

For further information

Contact DEW Water Licencing (in Berri):

Phone: 08 8595 2053