Great Artesian Basin Water Security Program
The Australian Government has made funding available for the rehabilitation, maintenance and replacement of wells and associated distribution networks. These funds are available on a cost sharing basis for landholders who are accessing water from the Great Artesian Basin. Owners of wells completed within the Great Artesian Basin are invited to lodge an expression of interest to be involved in this program which will co-fund up to 50% for eligible water supply infrastructure projects that contribute to water security and sustainable management in the Basin.
This includes:
- replacement of aging wells
- decommissioning of wells
- installation of water-tight distribution infrastructure to replace open flows
- replacement of aging water distribution infrastructure.
Funding will be provided through the Commonwealth Government’s Great Artesian Basin Water Security Program (GABWSP). This program will deliver matched funding to Basin governments over 4 years from July 2024 to June 2028.
In South Australia the GABWSP allocation of $5M is administered by the Department for Environment and Water in partnership with SA Arid Lands Landscape Board.
The Great Artesian Basin is one of the largest underground freshwater resources in the world, underlying approximately 1.7 million km2, or 22 per cent of the Australian continent.
The Great Artesian Basin supports the mining, petroleum, pastoral and tourism industries, which collectively are worth more than $33 billion a year (DCCEEW 2024). As demand for this precious resource continues to grow, it is important that water infrastructure is maintained and water is sourced judiciously.
Significant public and private funds have been invested in developing and protecting the Great Artesian Basin water resource to support and sustain its economic, social and environmental values. The GABWSP program follows on from previous programs including Great Artesian Basin Sustainability Initiative (GABSI), Interim Great Artesian Basin Infrastructure Investment Program (IGABIIP) and Improving Great Artesian Basin Drought Resilience (IGABDR) running since 1999.
Infrastructure programs have saved the South Australian portion of the Great Artesian Basin approximately 33 GL of Great Artesian Basin water per year (estimate for all programs to June 2024) and have been central in stabilising declining aquifer pressures.
Key achievements include:
- controlling 82 bores
- eliminating 215 km of bore drains
- installation of 920 km of efficient piping.
The GABWSP program can assist eligible landholders to maintain or replace aging wells and water distribution infrastructure, contributing to sustainable management of water resources. This is through reducing water loss, improving aquifer pressure and the health of basin-dependent springs.
Key benefits include:
- providing clean water for better stock production and domestic use
- assisting land managers to achieve more sustainable and productive property and stock management, through:
- maintained and strategically located watering points
- secure water supply on properties assisting in building drought resilience
- feral animal control
- meeting statutory responsibilities for well maintenance and water-tight delivery
- supporting judicious use of groundwater
- improving long term viability of the GAB resource
- supporting a healthy resource including springs.
Legislation and planning that defines the responsibilities of landholders with respect to well maintenance includes:
- The Great Artesian Basin Strategic Management Plan was developed by the Australian, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australian and New South Wales governments provides the framework to achieve economic, environmental, cultural and social outcomes for the Great Artesian Basin and its users.
- The Landscape South Australia Act 2019 which places responsibility for well maintenance with the occupier or lessee of the land on which the well is located.
- The Board’s Water Allocation Plan (WAP) for the Far North Prescribed Wells Area, requires that water be used judiciously. It also requires that water taken from wells must only be taken and distributed through a water-tight delivery system. A water-tight delivery system is a self-enclosed water reticulation, piped system with no leaks, including within the well headworks.
How to apply
To apply for funding under the GABWSP program, complete the online Expression of Interest form.
For more information on this opportunity please contact:
Senior Water Resource Officer, Aaron Smith:
- Phone: 08 8429 9666
- Email: