Topics > Water > Water licences and permits > Water rules and regulations > Central Adelaide

Responding to a proposed water licence package

If you are an existing user, you may have received a proposed water licence package in the mail, along with supporting brochures to explain the process more fully.

Existing users have 36 days to respond to the proposed water allocation in the mail-out package. If all details within the proposed water licence package are correct and you are happy with the proposed allocation(s), you can complete the online Water Response Form (below) and a licence will be issued to you in the near future. If we do not receive a response within the 36 calendar days, acceptance will be assumed.

To respond to your proposed water allocation you can:

  • complete the online water licence response form within 36 days of receiving the proposed allocation letter
  • email us to arrange for a paper copy of the response form to be sent to you, or
  • phone (08) 8463 6844 to talk to a project team member about your proposed allocation.

For more information on the Central Adelaide licensing and allocation process please see the additional resources below:

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