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South Australian water trading rules

South Australian water trading rules

The Landscape South Australia Act 2019 and water allocation plans for prescribed water resources provide the legislative framework for managing South Australia’s water resources, including trading rules.

Part 8 of the Act contains general provisions relating to the transfer of water rights, while water allocation plans provide specific transfer criteria that generally aims to ensure that transfers occur in a manner that is sustainable in the context of the water resource, that the quality and quantity of water resources are maintained and that impacts of taking and use on the environment, and other water users are appropriately managed.

Basin Plan water trading rules also apply to water resources in the Murray-Darling Basin region. They aim to provide greater clarity and consistency for the water market across the whole of the Basin and all Basin states must comply with these rules. The trading rules for the water resources in the South Australian portion of the Murray-Darling Basin region are contained in water allocation plans (listed below) and are consistent with the Basin Plan trading rules:

To see water allocations plans for prescribed water resources in your local region, visit the 'Water' section of your landscape management region's website.

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