Below are some Frequently Asked Questions about the new Water Register.

If you have a question that isn’t answered below, please feel free to get in touch at or call us on 08 7133 7333 during business hours.

How can I search the Register?

  • For a Water Licence, Site Use Approval, or a Permit: You will need either the water licence, approval or permit number (e.g. WL-012345) OR a land title prefix, title volume number & title folio number (e.g. CT Volume 1234 Folio 523)
  • For a Water Resource Works Approval – you simply need the works approval number.
  • Please note, you can no longer search for a Water Account on the public Water Register.

Where can I find the details of a Security Interest (SI)?

  • Search for the water licence you wish to know about. The search result box that appears will note whether a licence has a security interest registered against it.
  • For details of the security interest, check the box at the end of the table to obtain an extract from the Register. Please note that a fee is payable for this extract.

Licence numbers must have six digits - WL-012345

  • Licence numbers have been updated to meet the new Water Register’s configuration requirements. (In most cases an additional 0 has been added to make up 6 digits).
  • We can provide you your new licence number over the phone after asking some identifying questions. Alternatively, your new number will be on all future correspondence from us.

Where can I find Licence holder’s names?

  • Details of licence holders on are no longer available on the Water Register free of charge.
  • You can now pay for an extract of a water licence which provides various details including the licence holders’ name.
  • An extract of a water licence will also include additional details such as security interests.
  • Requiring payment for an extract of a water licence enables the department to provide an additional a layer of protection for the identity of licence holders.

How much does an extract cost?

  • $12.60

Why can't I see an entitlement I purchased recently?

Some transfers and trades submitted since 23 February 2024 are not yet visible in the Water Register. This is because we are still processing a small number of applications received since that date. Please contact the mywater Contact Centre if you have any questions or concerns about a specific entry in the Register.

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